Saturday, July 28, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust

No riveting tale of the hunt, but I snagged another one in the night. I will allow Jeff the pleasure of disposing of it when he gets home from work. I expect there will be more.

Happy Saturday! =)


Daughter of Divagation said...

I like to wear rivets.

Booker said...

a very strong backbeat went off in the back of my head when I read your title :-D

JJ said...

DOD - You know who likes to wear rivets? On his breast pocket? And right on the pointy lapels of his Barr'ton blouse? Donalt. =)

DJ - "...[boom, boom, boom] and another one down, and another one down, another one bites the dustttah..."

Daughter of Divagation said...

I am awaiting a post on the family circus reunion.

Did Kin-nith lose his shorts on the slide? Did anyone get choked up at sharing circle? Did Doris eat cake that was not her own? Did did ma and pa finally break down and drink Busch beer? Tell me. Tell me.

JJ said...

Kin-nith was absent.

I don't think anyone was fur-clumped at the sharing circle. It was short and sweet due to low attendance which did not go unnoticed, nor unscolded. Uncle R suggested sending bills for unused food and supplies to those who did not attend and did not RSVP.

Aunt Doris did not eat cake which was not her own, at least not that I could see, but the closing line of personal annual report which she had written ahead of time was "I am wearing all clean underwear today, and I have a toothache that won't go away." She did not stand on top of the table to deliver her speech this year.

Not so far as I could see were any Busch beers consumed by our parents, but there would have been plenty to go around.

Donalt did report that he didn't have "naaathin' much to report this year."

Wish you coulda been there.

Daughter of Divagation said...

New post, please. I can still see the mouse.

Anonymous said...

Write about something interesting, would ya? Like how Matt E made you cry in class or who David D is dating from Wingerts or which one of the Hamilton brothers inherited Meesa. No more of these mice stories. I can't take it.
Maybe if you played a game of scenario on your blog our dear friend Diane would visit more often.