Friday, February 22, 2008

White Bread and Puberty

Other things I never expected to hear my children say:
  • Julia, crying: "But mommmmmm, I don't like white bread!"
(Not so very long ago, it was a great struggle to get white bread out of the house and off our food pyramid. I thought it would seem like a treat to make her egg salad sandwich on seeded Italian when our neighbor gave us a loaf this week, but not so much!)
  • Andrew asking: "How old were you when you went through puberty? I am only asking because it is my homework assignment, not because I really want to know."


Anonymous said...

I don't like White Bread either and I have yet to go through puberty.


Shari said...

Alec asked John about when he started puberty the other night due to the same class that Andrew had. Good times.