Monday, February 25, 2008


This is for everyone who knows about the opossum we received from Meridith last Christmas at our family White Elephant gift exchange. Finally after over a year of scheming, a perfect opportunity to re-gift presented itself. Saturday the extended family had a surprise baby shower for her. I wrapped it up in the bag with some baby wash on top and attached a note that said I just wanted the baby to have something soft to snuggle with right away. She had no idea. I wish I could have captured what followed. She shrieked loudly and flung it across the table as the aunts looked on in horror. I wish I would have thought to take a video. Luckily Jeff's aunt caught this expression right before it went flying. Thanks, Aunt Kim! Love you, MerMer!


Lori said...

That guy sitting next to he plotting revenge, just a calm chap, or does he not know yet what's in the bag? (Nice one, by the way!!)

JJ said...

It is her husband who had no idea what I was in the bag, but he high-fived me as soon as it was out of the bag and the commotion died down.