Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Project Flat Stanley

My nephew Ethan's Flat Stanley accompanied us on our weekend adventure.

Stanley didn't believe he was capable of performing the emergency functions outlined on the card so he swapped his wing exit seat for a window seat in the back.

This seemed wicked cool especially since Ethan is quite the little Dubya fan..."Dear Jesus, please don't ever let President Bush be on money because only DEAD presidents are on money!"...yeah, really cool until I saw THIS this morning. Oh well!


Loreo said...

What in the tarnation is all this Flat Stanley aboot?

Claire said...

What a terrible name: Flat Stanley. It sounds as if it's a post-mortem evaluation of our cat after a tragic run-in with a train.

JJ said...

Oh my, Claire! Did your cat really get run down by a train? What a terrible way for a member of the Pass family to pass.

Loreo, Charlie's boy Ethan's class is doing the Flat Stanley Project. I would copy and paste some info in aboot him, but just click on my link in the original post and that oughttar fill you in sufficiently. Anyway, he chose Andrew to mail his Stanley to. We kept forgetting to take him places locally, like to the movies or to the Pistons' game, and then this trip with my siblings came up so I packed him up and brought him along in my carry-on. A good time was had by all. =)

Claire said...

Nooooo- he didn't really die....I was just a little cornfused when I saw the first reference to "Flat Stanley" because I wasn't familiar with the whole thing...and all I could think of was OUR Stanley being flattened...

Huh- never really thought about the appropriateness of the whole train aspect...I could just as well have said "car" or "SUV" or whatever but I guess the Passness is working itself into my subconscious...How clever of you to pick up on it...