Saturday, November 18, 2006

Julia's Grill

Word on the street is Julia lost her first tooth last night at a birthday sleepover for her best good friend Ella. Apparently it came out all on its own in the night. Surely this will be a sign of their eternal bond of friendship as Ella lost the same tooth, the same tooth that was being crowded out by an already erupting adult tooth behind it, when Julia slept over just two weeks ago.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Memory Lane

P'raps I should send Flat Stanley to that one cousin of mine who just left for Israel so he could show him around. I mean, what other Flat Stanley in that class could say he has been from Goshen to Beulah?

Project Flat Stanley

My nephew Ethan's Flat Stanley accompanied us on our weekend adventure.

Stanley didn't believe he was capable of performing the emergency functions outlined on the card so he swapped his wing exit seat for a window seat in the back.

This seemed wicked cool especially since Ethan is quite the little Dubya fan..."Dear Jesus, please don't ever let President Bush be on money because only DEAD presidents are on money!"...yeah, really cool until I saw THIS this morning. Oh well!

Friday, November 03, 2006


Haven't been quite sure how to unveil this little secret in blogdom, but here he is, Baby Boy Jackson #2. He doesn't have a name yet, but we've pretty much ruled out Michael, Samuel L, Tito, Stonewall, and Bo. His estimated date of arrival is April 2, 2007 which makes me 18 weeks 3 days on my way...and counting! I am delighted to report that I am feeling GREAT and more importantly, he looks to be developing normally and on schedule according to the ultrasound!

My ultrasound was Monday and the whole family was able to attend. All parties were delighted with the verdict, even Kathryn who had insisted until that point that it was going to be one boy AND one girl.

A few weeks ago I overheard Andrew telling someone we were all hoping for a boy because Dad said there was too much estrogen in the house already. =)

In other news, we have a deal on our house and are set to close on November 20...finally. It has been a long year of limbo since our last deal fell through in November 2005. Jeff is on a hunting trip this weekend and I am going out of town next weekend which leaves us limited time to pack up and get the heck out of here, and oh, did I mention we don't know where we're moving yet?! Yet here I sit...blogging...watching Air Bud Seventh Inning Fetch with Kathryn for at least the 47th time...THIS WEEK!

But, it is okay...IT'S A BOY!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"1000 of X-MASS Items"

Where do I begin? This place of business is one of the longest surviving enterprises in the downtown district of my hometown. And you can see why. In addition to the extensive inventory of ever-so-very-useful, and also very common and very USED, household treasures he stocks, the shopkeeper has also mastered the art of advertising and public relations as you can see by his window display. If "knifs", "air gun", or "soward" are on the wishlist of your loved one this year, then look no further than "HallMart" for all your "X-MASS" needs.

Happy Halloween!

Obi Wan Kanobi and Bride were freshly stitched this year.
Dorothy was my first attempt at a dress 3 years ago,
altered to fit the "smaller hauler", as Papa calls her.

Thanks to Grant for the use of his lightsaber!

"Mom, you really look so much like a real cat!" ~Julia, dead serious

This Dorothy KNOWS she isn't in Kansas anymore...BURRRRR!
(I'll have to include a picture of the store window in the background
in another's a good'ne!)

Kathryn, Julia, Mom, Andrew