Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Just a quick post to say that I haven't given up blogging forever. I have had an injured wrist as some may have noticed Amy mentioning in a couple of her comments. I am not exactly sure what happened, there seem to be a number of possible causes, but it seems most likely that it is due to repetitive stress from working on the computer in a somewhat ergonomically unfriendly (if not a little HOSTILE) environment, both at work and at home. So I have been trying to rest it as much as possible and take a break from blogging. The latter being Jeff's suggestion as the wrist injury has only affirmed his belief that blogging is of the devil.

In the meantime, I have used said injury to get almost an entirely new office at work. Honestly, I haven't had to squawk that much at all. What started out as a humble request for a couple of wrist rests turned into a new flat screen, glare-free monitor that can sit in the middle of my desk so I don't have to turn my head as I did to gaze upon the gargantuan model which used to sit to my front of a window...that faced the west...and burned my poor little retinas all afternoon. I thought I would strike while the iron was hot and asked to look for a used desk that would sit at the appropriate height at a garage sale or thrift store or something. But now I have been given permission to price a NEW desk and/or some other office components that would better accommodate my office mate, Shari, and myself in our postage stamp-sized office. And she gets a new monitor too. AND while I'm at it, I am supposed to pick up a couple quotes for a printer for our own office so we don't have to keep getting up to retrieve our documents from the general printer in another room.

I'll have to post a before and after picture or two when it's all done.

But for now I'm off to the doctor for the second day in a row. Not for my wrist, but for my migraines. Yes, I still get them. But for the first time in a long time...maybe EVER...I have some real hope of a real cure!

More on that soon...


ljm said...

Hope it goes well today...glad that there is some hope!

Yay for a little friendlier work environment...maybe you could ask for a special reserved parking space while you're at it (so you don't have to walk too far and your chances of falling on your wrist are decreased!)

Anonymous said...

Yay for braces! Thisth isth gonna be awesthome!
I'm very excited for you...I am praying this is the answer. No more cotton swabs of witch hazel down your spine.

KW said...

Awesome...that is that your headaches may be saying goodbye soon!

Loreo said...

Hello office space, goodbye migraine head,I think I'm going to cry-y.