Saturday, January 31, 2009


I know there will come a day when I will miss having every sentence I hear from dawn to dusk out of the mouth of my babes begin with "Mommmmm" and quickly followed with the blow of yet another request or demand, but right now I just can't imagine that day.

"Mom, LOOK...Mom, watch this...Mom, he kicked me in the butt...Mom, can we make cookies today, you said...Mom, will you sit with me?...Mom, can I sleep on your floor tonight?...Mom, maybe later if we...can we...after that if it's not snowing can you take us...maybe if Dad gets home in time can we...Mom, you said yesterday that can we now....can we later...can we maybe...maybe if we do maybe can they come too...Mom, how come you never let anyone come over...Mom, why did you get her three and me only one...Mom, you never...MOMMMM you always...Mom, what are we having for dinner tonight...You KNOW I HATE that...Where do you think we will go on vacation this year?...Do you think we'll ever go to Disney again?...Mom, I don't think people like my drawings and people don't play with me at recess...Mom, what does this mean?...Can I go on the computer?...Mom, after he's done can I go on?...Mom, can I order a do I...will you show me...where is my...maybe after David goes to bed maybe can we go to the rec center...Mommmmm, what are we going to do today anyway...are we even going to do ANYTHING?!"

And this was all before I was out of bed this morning. Okay, not literally, but it felt like it.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I can't wait till I have some kids.

ljm said...

Oh sakes, I hear you.

Shari said...

At least they don't call ya "Ma".