Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Julia Gulia!


Claire said...

What an amazing, beautiful cake!

DaveLoven said...

Wow, awesome looking cake, but why does it say MOM?


JJ said...

It says MOM because it's all about ME, doncha know?!

And it has 10 candles instead of 8 because of MY constant need for symmetry and balance. =)

It is supposed to be the Wheel of Wow game from Webkinz. You know, the one three of my children are addicted to?

JJ said...

Thank you, Claire!

I'm mostly proud of it because I didn't yell at anyone or utter any profanities whilst decorating it.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed with your skills and self-control! WOW!

Lori said...

My girls love Webkins, too. They are bereft that they can't keep their critters alive on our dead computer. And Chris thinks it's the kids' downloads and what not that killed it, so they don't get to use his laptop for it. I guess we'll have to go to the library. Cool cake!

Anonymous said...

Lori, what makes you think your computer is "dead?" What symptoms is it showing?


JJ said...

Lori, tell Dave what's up with your computer, STAT!

He is good at resurrecting dead ones!

Shari said...

I LOVE the cake! Its awesome man.

Julia looks so big. How did she go from 5 to 8 so fast?

Happy Birthday Julia!

Shari said...

Julia Gulia.
Julia Child.
Julia Roberts.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus.