Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ark of the Covenant

Kathryn still compulsively tattles on herself. Don't know why. She confesses secret thoughts she has, like wanting to scratch my eyes out, and saying "stupid kitty" to a cat on She tells on herself for ALMOST picking her scabs. And David's. So I was not that surprised to hear what sounded like yet another tattle this morning. It started out like any other..."Mom, I told David..." But then it took an unusual twist when she continued..."about the ark of the covenant."

I was so humored as I wondered what in the world she had told him about a topic she knew nothing about. So I asked what she had told him. Apparently she told him it was the presence of God. Andrew quickly confirmed that they had heard this in Children's Church Sunday morning and it made me appreciate their teacher all the more.

But lest you think she is too righteous and reverant, my mother later overheard her singing "Ark of the covenant, doot doot..." to the tune of "Skunk in the barnyard, peeee eeeeww!"


Anonymous said...

I love that geal! She's gonna be a preacher gal one of these days.


CKS said...

I love your Kathryn stories! She is one of a kind. :-)

Lori said...

What a doot-tastic kid!

scott whitten said...

Hey Guys! My 4 year old told on himself this morning... "Mommy, I cut the cord to the fan in Nathan's room with scissors"
Yes it was plugged in. No he was not shocked. Yes I have asked myself what in the world was he thinking. Yes there was sparks and smoke and a small flame.

JJ said...

Oh my goodness, Scott!

I am speechless. That beats all!

Glad he's okay!