Monday, July 28, 2008

Foreign Bodies

I don't mean to make this blog all about Kathryn, but I am considering changing its name since it kind of is.

I'll be brief and I won't include any gross pictures even though I reeeeeeally want to.

I thought Kathryn might have Swimmer's Ear. We have been swimming every day, sometimes more than once a day, for nearly two weeks while we were pool sitting for a family member who was on vacation. Plus swim lessons, plus a beach visit or two. You get the idea...wet ears.

She had complained about her right ear being touched even ever so lightly which was beginning to interfere with even the most basic activities of daily living. Hair combing, washing, sunscreen application, etc would reduce her to howling in pain.

After the ordeal that was her shower last night, I decided I would seek medical attention ASAP this morning. Moments later she fell in the shower and split her chin open. I decided not to take her in for stitches, against my better judgment. I had had no experience (knock on wood) with injuries requiring stitches and just didn't know what to do. I knew I could see subcutaneous tissue, but I pretended that I could not.

This morning I took her to the doctor who said she should have had a couple stitches last night, but could not now because too much time had elapsed since the injury. Luckily it is on the under side of her chin so if it scars it shouldn't be too unsightly.

Also, upon examination he discovered a foreign body in her right ear and enough wax to light a menorah in her left. He was able to successfully remove both. Looked like two pieces of kelly green fabric fiber which Doctor insisted was dental floss. I disagreed. Dental floss is NOT kelly green, it is much more minty in color. Duh. I didn't go to medical school, but come on! I brought said "bodies" in an attempt to color match them to something in the house on which to lay the blame.

She did have a mild case of Swimmer's Ear. We got a prescription, as well as a rebate for the prescription, and were on our way, but not before the patient stopped to LICK a doorknob on the way out.

I was so proud!

She has said numerous times throughout the day, "I can HEAR!"

And I am glad.






Anonymous said...

I have a scar on my chin from where I got 7 stitches when I was 5 after I fell off my bike. I would also like to see 2 Technicolour Unicorns fight Steven Seagal to the death using Kelly green dental floss. Mountain Dew is kinda the colour of ear wax. I that where they get Yellow 5? This lamp is not plugged in. I hope there is not trolls in my washing machine again. I think the sandman wants to blind me with his magical sand.

JJ said...

Duuuuuuude! =)