Tuesday, January 29, 2008


One of the reasons I don't usually enjoy those little flip devotional calendars is that I find anything that smacks of chicken soup for my soul to be utterly unpalatable. Detestable. Repugnant. Light, fluffy not theologically sound little whatnots. Mmmm...mmm...not good! Don't like 'em. My soul likes chocolate. And other stuff.

But our dear and very generous neighbors brought our family gifts the week before Christmas. Fun shirts and Pez dispensers for each of the kids. Various forms of chocolates for us "grown ups". Knowing we are "religious" folk, they also tucked in a Max Lucado calendar and devotional. Under other circumstances I might have been more aghast, but for some reason I was so touched that I wept. Be that as it may.

The other reason I don't usually like them or anything else that I feel I have to keep up with is simply that: it is just one more thing to keep up with. Before I know it a week has passed and I haven't flipped to the next day. Not surprisingly this has happened already in the new year, but this time it has been intentionally frozen on January 19 as I continue to ponder the words on the page.

"Logical thinking will discourage you; theological thinking will encourage you." Stress Fractures p. 222

Hmmmm. Yeah. My first reaction was "That is stupid!" That is something a stupid person would say. A stupid person who lacks the capacity to think logically or critically anyway, or simply chooses not to in the name of...I don't even know what...intentional narrow-mindedness?...maintaining a "pure" mind? I don't know. But for some reason I left it on that day, and I have thought about it every day since as it sits perched on my kitchen windowsill.

I don't have the fittest mind myself, and I can't really explain it, but it has grown less stupid to me over the past ten days. I have recognized personal significance to its meaning. I would even go so far as to say I don't think it is one bit stupid. I kind of like it.

The accompanying verse for that day was not stupid either:

"It is unthinkable that God would do wrong, that the Almighty would pervert justice." Job 34:12 NIV



Anonymous said...

Yeah, that is pretty much stupid if you ask me.

JJ said...

You're stupid!

Happy Birthday!
