Tuesday, June 26, 2007

St. Grandma

What do you do to celebrate your birthday when you are 85 and Catholic? You grab your best good St. Mary and head to the local horse racing track, of course. =)

God bless Jeff's grandmother:

Mother of 15 (+3 pregnancy losses and 1 infant loss...that makes 19!)
Grandmother of 53
Great Grandmother of 79
Great Great Grandmother of 4 with 1 more on the way

This is an amazing woman. As she becomes more confused in her old age, she still calls most of her children by their first and middle names and remembers all of their birth weights. Lay it 3-1 odds, that alone qualifies any woman for sainthood in my book.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!


Daughter of Divagation said...

Aaaaay ought.

I love her.

JJ said...

You can't NOT love her. =)

Lori said...

Wow! I'd like to have a cup of tea with St. Grandma and hear some stories! Maybe you could get her to start a blog about what it was like raising all those young'uns!