Thursday, September 14, 2006

Guess Who?

Yes, folks, that IS a El Camino, if you will...
business in the front, party in the back!
The year was 1984. The girl was fixing to turn 11.
She was torn between the world of prep and punk and was convinced
that IF her parents would only permit her to wear parachute slacks,
she would stand a fighting chance at singing
backup vocals for Van Halen.


ljm said...

AHHHHHHH!! I almost screamed when I clicked on your blog...Is that for real?

Anonymous said...

I'm not in the habit of making fun of 10 year old girls, but yikes, that is scary.

Anonymous said...

Hey! How do I post a picture on here? I was way hotter and my mullet was way more defined...perfectly feathered in the front, a loose permanent wave in the back. And I was allowed to wear chute pants, but I still wasn't cool enough for Van Halen.
Two years from that photo our friendship blossomed.

Anonymous said...

Yer jest a singer in a rock 'n roll band...

JJ said...

LJ - It is totally fo real!

K - WhatEVER!

A - You can't post a photo on MY blog to my knowledge, but with the promise of your mullet mug forthcoming I would consider giving you my password so you could.

DD - You might as well JUMP!

Loreo said...

Business in the front, party in the back?!?! I've never heard that description before!! I had a similar haircut. That style was SO HIP in 6th grade, come on!!!