Tuesday, September 26, 2006

911...What's your Emergency?!

So it was a beautiful, classic, cool, crisp fall morning. I drove the kids to school and then returned home with Kathryn, revelling in the peace that comes with having only one child home with no siblings to fight with. Andrew went back to school yesterday after being off all last week, but I worked yesterday, so I hadn't been home alone with just one child for the day in over a week. It was nice.

I did my morning tidying and then settled in to a mountain of cutting out of patterns and fabric I had waiting for me after way over-indulging myself two days in a row at JoAnn Fabrics. After going at it for half an hour, I stood from the living room floor to stretch and move around a little before tackling the next pattern.

I happened to glance out the front window to behold the beauty of the day once more, when I was startled out of my mind by what I saw staring back at me. Eleven horses were standing in and about my driveway turnaround as if it were nothing out of the ordinary at all..."This is what we always do on the last Tuesday morning of every month!"

I ran for my camera. By the time I came back, they were making their way down the driveway toward the road. As you can see by the second photo, their mothers had trained them well to be very cautious and to look both ways before stepping out into and stopping traffic. A semi sat at a standstill for a couple of minutes while they meandered along before veering off onto a private drive.

I called 911 straightaway. And the dispatcher didn't even laugh, bless his heart. He said Animal Control would be there momentarily.

I was much calmer than the last time I called 911 when two rollover accidents happened within minutes of each other in front of my house last March. The second one left a man trapped under water while the victims of the first accident struggled to free him as I looked on screaming and nearly hyperventilating into the phone myself. They did manage to get him out and brought him into my house until the ambulance arrived. He ended up being okay.

Who even needs television when you are surrounded with this kind of drama right in the middle of nowhere?


Anonymous said...

Wow...that is so weird. Did you ever find out who they belonged to? My guess...Brannon McMullen OR Meesa Hamilton.
My life is entirely too uneventful to attempt a blog.

Loreo said...

We have 1 horse that goes by occasionally, with a rider on it. No rollovers with dramatic rescues and victims coming into my house, though. Whatcha makin, by the way?

JJ said...

Amy, you could write about Min Pin. That was exciting. You could write about Grant being beaten by that MOPS thug. You could write about your mother-in-law...you have the makings of a perfect blog.

Lori, I am making...(deep breath)...and they are all for the girls in duplicate...2 ponchos (already done), a skirt and jacket outfit, a skirt and vest outfit, and 2 jumpers. I also got some stuff to work on for Christmas, but I'll share that another time. What was I thinking?

Anonymous said...

Show off!

ljm said...

Whoa! Clippety clop...

Make sure you show us your creations when that they is completed....so I won't be the only show off crafter you love to hate.

JJ said...

Plus also (as my friend Junie B would say) I got two Halloween costume patterns--Ariel's wedding dress and Obi Wan Kenobi--but I haven't even looked at those yet.

Not bragging, just confessing my insanity. Fabric/Craft stores do crazy things to my otherwise sensible shopping savvy. So does Home Depot. I suddenly think I really can do it all and still have time for a nap.

I'll be sure to post photos of the finished products...in 2010.

Loreo said...

I am truly impressed, but not actually in a jealous way, that you and Liane like to sew. My mom and Grandma are talented sewing maniacs, but I mostly loathe sewing, except for quilting. And yeah, I haven't completed my clothes scrap quilt or started any feed sack square quilts!!! Maybe in 2010 I also can show pictures of quilts actually done!

Anonymous said...

I am speechless. I have paused my General Hospital because your life is way more interesting. Seriously. I can't even think of something cool to say in response.
Yep, still nothing.