Thursday, December 20, 2007

My Week in Review

Monday I had to evacuate my house in the middle of doing tendyhundred things because my carbon monoxide detector was going off. Incessantly. Waited in my van with children till help arrived. False alarm. Bad batteries.

Today I was first on the scene of an accident involving a feverish Vietnam veteran and a tree. I was lost in thought, busily composing an upcoming writing project in my mind when I saw him lose control just ahead of me on the exit ramp. In slow motion I watched as he struggled to right his veering vehicle before going down an embankment and hitting SEVERAL trees.

This is the second time I have found myself in this position.

I am considering becoming an long as I can choose to respond to only those calls which do not involve blood or anything else I don't want to see.

He was inscathed. I waited with him until the police arrived.

Oh and I had an anxiety attack at small group Tuesday. Sometimes people make me very anxious.

My mother-in-law is not doing well. Please pray that her suffering will be minimal, that her husband will continue to have the strength to care for her at home, and that she will be able to have some wakeful periods on Sunday when we celebrate Christmas at their house.


Lori said...

Om, wow. Sounds like some good quality Christmas cheer and joy are what you need NOW!!

Shari said...

Oh sista-friend, the stories you'll have for your future grandchildren...

Amen on the prayer needed for Sharon, Jeff's dad and the family's Christmas "celebration".