Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bee's Knees...Cat's Pajamas

I didn't start wearing pants until I was 20 years old. My first pair were a dark robin's egg blue, almost jade, but not quite even a little bit cool pair of pleated slacks from Fashion Bug that were exactly 2 sizes too big. You know, for the sake of modesty. They were just long enough to touch the top of my prized penny loafers that my new love interest, Jeff Jackson, had given me for Christmas. I was in my first year of college, but looked the part of a maiden well beyond my years in said attire. I could have almost passed for a mother of four back then.

Since that time I have struggled to find my way in the realm of slack wearing. I don't naturally possess a great deal of fashion savvy, so it honestly has been more of a challenge than some would believe. I see what I think looks good, but can never seem to pull the look together on myself. Consequently, I have a closet full of mostly too short, too tight or too loose, Mom-rise pants of nearly every description, and I almost NEVER feel "cool" in jeans. Add to that the fact that I am "tall" and I am a What Not to Wear candidate waiting to be nominated. (PLEASE, somebody, call Clinton and Stacy!)

Anyway, after having no luck this summer at garage sales or the Salvation Army, I broke down and bought some jean pants brand new from a store just last week. They fit me. They are long enough. And I think they might even be what some might call stylish. Today when I dropped Kathryn off at preschool, an uber cool fellow preschool mom, who is uber cool enough to drive a VW Beetle, complimented me on them. She has never spoken to me before. Nor could I recall at that moment EVER being complimented on a pair of jeans I was wearing. I looked around for a TLC camera crew, but there wasn't one to be seen. Minutes later as I was sitting in my van outside a store talking on my cell phone, a woman approached me and interrupted my call to ask where I got my hair done. I do frequently get this question, for which I take no credit, but on the heels of the other compliment, I was feeling like the bee's KNEES. For at least one or two minutes.

I like to appear put together, but I am not so shallow that I would derive ALL of my feelings of self-worth from two random affirmations, most days. But today I am just that shallow. =) Shallow as a puddle of spit, as my brother has said, but not about me.

It is good for a mom, particularly a mother of 4, to feel like the cat's pajamas every once in a while. Like once every 11 years at least. But more often would be nice too.


Anonymous said...

Are the blue slacks you speak of the ones you were wearing in that super good picture of you and Jeff in front of your parents Christmas tree? You know the have a terribly over-sized bow in your hair...that covers the upper region of the tree and part of Jeff's face. Yeah, those were nice slacks and a good look for you. You looked nice in my 7th grade peach pants. They were a tad short but that wasn't anything that a little creative pegging couldn't fix.
You're way hot make up for 1995-96. Well, actually 1991-2005. I love you man!

ljm said...

I will never attain your level of fashion sense...Nothing EVER fits me right. I've given up. NO kidding!

JJ said...

I spat upon myself I laughed so hard when I read "covers the upper region of the tree and part of Jeff's face". And Jeff was feeling all defensive of me, like "you weren't that bad". Dear, sweet Jeffrey.

Don't despair, Liane, one fine day you and that right pair of slacks will make a love connection. Just like you and your pref at FBI. And now your pref is in the FBI. Who even knew?

Anonymous said...

SHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Janelle! Isn't that top secret? Gosh, stop taking Ambien and blogging, you're going to get yourself in trouble!
Jeffrey is weren't that bad. You snagged him.

Anonymous said...

Hey! What you lack (in your opinion) in fashion sense you make up for in humor! Just for the record anyone who lived through the 80s did not escape unscathed! I am so that shallow! Do you ever look at people and wonder how they got up that morning and said, "Yeah. I'll wear this today!" Really don't be too hard on yourself.

Daughter of Divagation said...

Your pregnancy jeans were very cool. I have a picture of your bottom in them. I think I have a few other pictures of you that you can have back...for a price.