Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Almost Famous

Jeff's bottom was on the 5 o'clock news tonight. I am so proud!

Twas not the main feature of the story, but present nevertheless. The whole family gathered around the television set gleefully anticipating the moment Daddy might appear. Finally at the end of the 5 o'clock segment, we saw the outside of his workplace and the company logo and then the face of his boss. Then into the inside of the building, we could see some of his co-workers, and then there was Daddy. No face, just a bottom. I was hoping to have a link to the video clip of his twenty seconds of fame, but so far the website only has the text of the segment.

I am proud, but mostly thankful, for his job and that his employer could be featured as a thriving business owner in the economic climate that is called Michigan, at a time when the words "thriving" and "Michigan" are seldom spoken or written in the same sentence.

I guess the word "thriving" wasn't actually used, but that was the impression anyway.

Hooray for the machining industry in Michigan!


ljm said...

I will be watching the 11 o'clock news closely for this sensational sighting.

JJ said...

He's over on the right with his upper body obscured by his machine.

Shari said...
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Shari said...

My son is also in the clip - just a nano second - look for his black shirt. :)

JJ said...

Ohhhhhh! They're both almost famous!

Anonymous said...

They now have the video clip online but I did not see anything that resembled Jeff's hindquarters. Possibly the images were too pornographic for the internet and they removed those few seconds of tape?

JJ said...

Possibly, man, possibly.