Friday, October 27, 2006

Awake My Soul

A year and a half ago when I purchased Phillips, Craig & Dean's "Let the Worshippers Arise" CD, the title track seemed to be the family favorite, particularly Kathryn's. She would ask for it by name on every trip we took in the van for what seemed like months, and would sing along in typical two-year old fashion, muttering almost unintelligibly and then chiming in confidently on approximately the last word of every stanza. "Blah blah blah blah...RISE...blah blah SING...blah blah blah ALLLL...blah blah KING!"

Recently said CD has been resurrected from our collection and she has found a new favorite, Track 8, Awake My Soul. It has been about three weeks that we have been listening to it almost continuously in the van. If I happen to turn it down so that my calm voice of instruction might be heard ever so briefly (how dare I?), she will shout "No, all the way up!" and as soon as the accompaniment begins to fade even slightly near the end or the singing ceases for a moment between verses, she will shout "Again, again!"

She calls it "I'm Closin' My Eyes" and she knows quite a few of the real lyrics, though there are a number of interesting lyrics according to Kathryn peppered throughout. I will share the real lyrics because they really are quite powerful and the song is a favorite of mine as well:

When I close my eyes
I can see your glory
When I raise my hands
I can touch your face

When I bow my knees
I stand before you
Then Christ is formed me

Awake my soul
Prepare an entrance for your glory
And let my heart become a throne for you to dwell
And when I need your Holy Spirit more than life itself
Then Christ is formed in me

When I lose myself
I reflect your image
When I break my will
Then I am whole

When I give my all
I find life everlasting
Then Christ is formed in me

Awake my soul!

Awake my soul
Prepare an entrance for your glory
And let my heart become a throne for you to dwell
And when I need your Holy Spirit more than life itself
Then Christ is formed in me

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I share this not to boast of the righteousness of my three year old, nor of her righteous upbringing. If anything I am boasting of her tenderness DESPITE her upbringing. =) It blesses my soul to see her (and my other children) loving and learning the words to songs that will stay with her for life. Words that convey truth, not lies...words of hope, not despair, not jealousy, not lack of contentment...NOT CRAP!

Due to my early obsession with not truthful music, I have the lyrics of Top 40 hits from 1981 to present clanging around in my head on an almost daily basis. I don't consciously meditate on them, but when I hear the music of a song I haven't heard in 20+ years I can sing nearly every word without missing a beat. Not to over-spiritualize, I am not trying to argue for or against anything, just bearing witness to the power of music and the mind's ability to process and store words set to music. Not that I have been irreparably damaged by these words, but I recognize and at times am grieved that at the very least this useless information is taking up valuable space on my mental hard drive which could certainly be utilized for some better purpose.

Plus also, lest anyone think I am trying to paint too rosy a picture of my offspring, here is a story to keep a balanced view...A couple weeks ago, Julia and Kathryn were quarrelling fiercely upon Julia's arrival home from school. In the midst of the conflict, she piously asked Kathryn what she thought Jesus would do to resolve the matter at hand. Kathryn snappily replied, "I think Jesus would punch YOU right in the HEAD!"

To God be the glory!


Anonymous said...

Janelle, I love you and your kids. And Jeff too, but don't let him know that or he may be too uncomfortable around me.

Anonymous said...

Love this, Janelle. It's so true. And just Imagine how much more you'd be hearing those top 40 lyrics if you'd started listening to the top 40 at katherine's age:)

ljm said...

So true that music can create powerful memories and emotions. Kaffryn is lucky to have such musical options...when she's not listening to 'White n Nerdy'.

Loreo said...

I am now rich because I witnessed "Jesus would punch you in the head!" I grew up with my Dad telling the joke about the little boy praying, and his sister is annoying him. He says, mid-prayer, "Excuse me, God, while I knock the stuffin out o' Nelly!!!!" I still think of that often....and feel like the little boy...when I am praying for safety in the car and William DARES interrupt MY prayer. I totally appreciated all your other words, too. We shouldn't have too many useless songs on our hard drive!! Well said!!!