Friday, July 21, 2006


Umm...yeah...the cozy breakfast supper afterglow didn't last very long!

J and K were at each other's throats all day yesterday. Neither could do anything right in the eyes of the other. Both were territorial and combative over everything from Polly Pocket outfits to lap sitting privileges to scraps of leftover supper from the night before. It seemed like every few minutes some loud outburst of crying or SCREAMING or airing of a grievance erupted.

"NO!"..."Mine!"..."You started it!"..."Gimme my..."..."She just..."..."Mommmmmmmmmm!"

Allllll day I did my best to mediate and encourage sisterly kindness and independent conflict resolution, but finally after dinner, probably while I was writing my last post, I screamed, "SHUTTT UPPP!" and like possibly one or two other things that weren't the best choice of words to utter to my precious darlings.

The "S-U" word and its inappropriate use had just been a topic of discussion earlier in the day. I had told them that it wasn't a terrible thing to say, but asked them to listen to how other people sounded when they said it and to consider how it made them feel when people said it to them.

Tenderhearted little J quickly retreated to her bedroom to grieve over the harsh words spoken, while K quickly gathered the Polly Pocket/Barbie/Littlest Pet Shop spoils into her clutches and began establishing a new kingdom for herself in the absence of her enemy.

A few minutes later, J emerged with this carefully written message in hand...

(Translation: Mommy I will come out but I love you and
can you not say shut up)

And as if that didn't make me feel bad enough, the backside read...

(Translation: That ain't very Christian!) =)

I'm not exactly sure what sounds she hears in "very"...I'll have to work on that, right after I learn not to say SHUT THE HECK UP! I asked for her forgiveness and she obliged. All is well.


ljm said...

Yup, that's what comes of boiling eggs in a bag...I suspected as much.

Anonymous said...

That is not very Walton Johnboyish of you to use such words.

Gia and I just say "F you" like we mean it. If that doesn't help, we smoke cigars and drink Jack Daniels until we feel better.

It gets better when they are older. I promise

(You think I am kidding.)

JJ said...

Ohhhh...I have noooo doubt!

I wish I could remember all of what A and J said when they were comparing my skills to those of Ma Ingalls a few months back. One of them said something like, "Don't feel bad, you ARE a good mom, it's just that she's had more practice than you have!" And then the other said real comforting like, "That's why she always says nice things and makes her work look so easy!"

Just call me Harriet.

Anonymous said...

You are the BEST ma...even with the occasional "shut up" slips. All of the little Jacksons are blessed to have you. Ma Ingalls has nothin' on you!

hesper48 said...

Oh my word! I can't believe you said that awful word and are such a bad, bad mother!! Hope you get forgiven!