Sunday, February 08, 2009


Does anyone know what it is that happens to mattresses in the wee twilight hours of every Sunday morn in which they transform into the dreamiest slumbering surface imaginable, making it all but impossible for their occupants to rise in time to attend church?

If anyone knows, or has experienced this phenomenon also, please do let me know.

I am pleased to proclaim that I did make it to church this morning, and on time I might add, but mainly because I had nursery duty which carries nearly the weight of jury duty in our particular parish, otherwise I very well may have been swallowed up by my very own Serta.


Darren said...

It seems to me that it's a balancing act from Saturday. At least in our house, a lethal amount of non-sleepiness gets injected into the children's mattresses at an ungodly hour on Saturday, and apparently the adult mattress has to have balance restored by becoming more sleepy the next day.

That's my theory, anyway.

JJ said...

Makes sense! =)