Tuesday, August 19, 2008

African Lion Safari

We had the pleasure of visiting the African Lion Safari in Cambridge, Ontario over the weekend, followed by a day of fun at Niagara Falls. As always, I don't feel as if I have enough time to write all I would like to about our family adventures, but I wanted to at least give a sketch of our time through photos and video.

I must warn you that the video contains graphic sexual content and male baboon genitalia can be visualized...rather closely. We were having difficulty identifying the genders at first as their roles were confusing and everything was happening so quickly, but this cleared things right up. If you anticipate finding this offensive, please avert your eyes. If not, please enjoy. It was hilarious!

Also, I might add that Andrew is not taking the Lord's name in vain in the video clip. He is, however, saying "Oh my gosh!" which I have said entirely too much through the years, therefore my children say it frequently. It didn't used to bother me, but as with so many things, you don't realize how it sounds till you hear it coming out of your children's mouths again and again. We are working on it.

This one was just funny...

All of the rest of the pictures were taken through the windshield or side window of our van with my very wimpy zoom lens on my point and shoot camera. Just giving perspective. It was unlike any trip to the zoo to actually drive through the reserve and see the animals interacting so closely. It was an incredible experience which I highly recommend, baboon penis and all.


Darren said...

I am officially laughing my head off :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you got a car wash! That is funniest home video material for sure!:>


Anonymous said...

That is worse than I expected.

You Tube.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gootness. That is SOO funny. Thanks for the laugh:)

Shari said...

Rachel and I have to go scrub our eyes with bleach now.


ljm said...

No way! I laughed so hard.

Claire said...

Oh. My. Word. That's going to be the story that gets told at family reunions thirty years from now.

I thought from the screams at the very end that perhaps the baboons had gotten INTO the car... hee hee hee!

scott whitten said...

thanks for that long drawn out laugh!