Thursday, March 01, 2007


I am breaking my blogging silence to share...

This afternoon during Andrew's visit to the pediatrician's office, Kathryn opened the book drawer in the exam room and spotted a Bible amongst the sea of standard kid-friendly mainstays. She promptly and gleefully informed me..."Mama, it's a Bible." But not only did she correctly identify it, she followed it up with "...a GIDEON Bible".

As I smugly smirked to myself that she had recognized the Gideon symbol and had known what to call it, I wondered if the doctor of middle-eastern descent, and presumably Muslim persuasion, would take notice.

Kathryn took her seat on the footstool and began perusing the pages as she "read" aloud...

"In the Bible, Gideon was the first to be PREGNANT..."

Yup, train 'em up in the way they should go...and no, the doctor didn't even seem to notice...the Bible or the scripture recitation.


Booker said...

I take it she was "reading" from the NKTV?[New Kathryn Translation Version].

I'd like to read that version, heh, heh, heh...

lis said...


Claire said...

Missed you! It was nice to see a new post from you...and such a hilarious one!

Anonymous said...

You finally make a post and I am five days late reading it. I stop checking after so many disappointing trips to your blog. Come on, you can do better than this. I mean, what else do you have to do than sit at your computer for hours reading and writing blogs?
One thing about that Dr. Harastani is he is one, perceptive and two, a thoughtful listener! How I miss our visits to him.
Kathryn is the best. I can hear her raspy little voice..."Gi-dee-unna".

ljm said...

Keith wondered how on earth Kathy knows the Gideon symbol. Smart as a whip, I tell ya.
Like mother, like daughter. Clever little snakes.

JJ said...

Well here at the Jackson house, we are dedicated to Bible distribution and evangelism and we recognize the vital importance of introducing such concepts to our young, as early as in the fact we've already decorated the baby's room in jugs and flames. =)

No, really, some Gideon folk came to our church and somehow a flaming orange Bible bearing the symbol fell to Andrew's lot, so that was her first exposure. My boss is also a Gideon and has a plethora of New Testaments about the office so she knows to be looking for them in public places, particularly waiting areas.

And that's that.