Friday, January 19, 2007

Could this week get any better?

My week started with Liane delivering a delicious feast to my doorstep after driving 40 miles one way amid falling freezing precipitation. Lasagna, salad, garlic toast, and best of all...Edy's Girl Scout Tagalong Cookie ice cream, which was Keith's contribution. Whilst she was here my long-awaited area rug I had ordered for my dining room finally arrived. Both treats made the fact that I had to work that night seem not quite so bad.

Tuesdee, my Mama came, as promised, to assist in painting my bedroom. She did an exceptional job rolling the ceiling and edging the walls so all I had to do was roll the walls after her. The end result was so much better than I had even hoped. The right color applied skillfully makes all the difference.

(BTW: I highly recommend Riviera Sand by Behr. And my mom's number is...)

Wednesday I saw that it was all good and I rested...CHA!...what would that be like?

And THEN today (or I guess it would be yesterday now)...I got to go to Sam's Club with my best good friend Amy with NO kids in the middle of the day...count, not one! That in itself would have been most triumphant, but THEN we got really wild and decided to go to Lowe's too. WILD I tell you! So as we were driving along in my pimped out mini-van with a month's provisions rolling around in the back, munching on Sam's trail mix, spitting out the raisins, we heard our favorite Def Leppard song ever. For a brief moment we were lost in our care-free, big hair, riding around in the back of the station wagon days of 1988.

I had to go to work again tonight and it was a somewhat stick-a-fork-in-my-eye-AGAIN stressful night, but reflections of my week of goodness sustained me.

Thank God for the joy of lasting friendships/second-cousinships and Mama's who give so selflessly.

And for Def Leppard.

And for 10% off Lowe's coupons.

And for being able to rest assured that I have 500 ZipLoc bags, 280 BandAids, and 4 tubes of Crest stockpiled in case the tribulation starts before I can make it back to Sam's.

And now I get to go sleep my first night in my new room that Jeff finished assembling while I was working tonight.

Thank God for him too.



ljm said...

I am feeling proud to be in such good and Leppard go way back.

Claire said...

Do you have your new vegetable border up in your kitchen yet?

Anonymous said...

Awww duuuude! Thank you for sharing your trail mix and your Lowes coupon...such a good friend! I thank my God for YOU!

Only six more days until our weekend of impiety...well, scrapbooking. Can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I love me some Dead Leonard!

Booker said...


JJ said...

Unfortunately, Claire, after stalking you for a year for that border I was not able to use it because of the layout of the kitchen/dining/living rooms. The kitchen has a shared wall with the dining/living room and there wasn't a good way to break off the border and still have it blend with the adjoining rooms. Rats! I did purchase some fake veggies to go on top of my cabinets though. They go with my valances and reddish kitchen walls. Thanks for axing.

Brenda Jo said...

I remember 1988. Whenever I think of big hair, I associate it with your disdain for the old loftiness.

Kristi said...

Oh my word, Janelle, another hilarious post. We have been in our new house a week and no computer or phone or cable till Wednesday. I am doing this from my wonderful mother's computer. Yes, thank God for wonderful mothers who bring over cute beachy shower curtains for the kids' bathrooms and lend you their cell phones for a whole week! I will do a real post next week. Love you!

Loreo said...

It's not really Kristi, it's Lori Redman. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

Maybe if Martha Stewart tripped on a rug or was wounded in an unfortunate knitting accident, you could take her place.

We will have to write a new Proverb for you. Proverbs 31.5--The Sam's Club Woman who can find...she clothes walls in fresh paint; she rises early to clip her coupons; she teases her hair into great towers; and, the law of blindness is on her tongue.

JJ said...

Wheew, Lori! I was stumped by the Kristi thing. I thought she dun moved out and shacked up with somebody else's kids. Mystery solved.

Brenda...sigh...I wouldn't want to go back. Not for nothin!

Whoever the heck you are, Julie LaFontaine, "law of blindness"?? What the?? And you know I hate Martha! Clearly you are reacting to not being mentioned as part of what made my Martin Luther King Day Monday specially memorable.

To my audience, my sister also surprised me with a phone call while Liane was over dropping off the goods. And it did warm my heart in a cozy way worth mentioning.

Plus also, worth mentioning is that Andrew and I watched 17 back-to-back episodes of That's So Raven in honor of the "king". Not really, though they really were on consecutively and there really were 17, but we only watched three. Good stuff!

Thanks, Julie!

Anonymous said...

Listen, you are the one posting Helen Keller entries on your blog. I stand by my poetic license with "law of blindness."

If you can't take the heat, get off your home on the range.

JJ said...

Alright already! I get the joke. My pregnant brain is a little slow on the uptake.'s a good'ne!

CKS said...

You will be glad to know that this very impressionable seven-year-old (in 1988) will never, EVER forget your big hair days. Till the day I die I will remember cousin J and her Michigan girl friends (amy and brandi) showing up at F'wood with the most amazing 'do's ever.

Never seen anything like it...never will again (I hope).

KW said...

Imagine living in a land where they say "whilst" for real! You and your daft silliness! Your humor perks me up...Hope you are glowing:)